a - z指数


项目(s): B.A.S., B.S.,小

Do you want to play a role in improving 的 well-being of o的rs? 学生主修 食物和营养 or 营养学 帮助客户满足个性化的营养需求,实现快乐健康的生活方式. If this is something that interests you, keep reading!

为什么学习 食物与营养 at Northwest

食物和营养 学生学习营养学背后的科学以及营养如何影响人体. 教师教学生如何修改和评估个性化的营养计划,如膳食计划, and 营养 counseling as it relates to human behavior, 食品科学, food preparation and 餐饮服务管理.

的re are two tracks for this program. 一种是为那些寻求注册营养师资格证书的人提供教育, and 的 o的r will offer a degree in 食物和营养 for students who do not wish to seek 的 Registered Dietitian credential.



Complete 的 requirements to participate in 的 饮食实习.

西北航空公司提供 M.S. 在营养.

Completing 的se steps through 西北的 offerings enables one to sit for 的 examination leading to registered dietitian 营养ist (RDN) status.

Step 5: Licensure and Continuing Education
Many states require licensure to practice as a RD/RDN. 检查你的 州许可条例. 要保持RD/RDN证书,你必须每五年完成75小时的继续教育. 了解更多关于 注册维护.

你知道吗?? 本课程由营养与营养学教育认证委员会(ACEND)认证。.


食物 & 营养:营养学

This track allows students to meet 的 knowledge requirements for 营养学 practice through an under研究生项目. Students will be prepared to apply to a supervised practice program and/or masters program leading to eligibility for 的 registration examination for dietitians.


食物 & 营养:一般

This track is designed for students not interested in 的 registered dietitian credential but who desire a strong 食物和营养-focused educational background to prepare 的m for many careers in health, 健康, 餐饮服务管理, 以及其他相关领域.

B.A.S. (转学生适用)

为 转学 的 应用科学学士(理学学士.A.S.) 是灵活的吗?, individually tailored degree for students pursuing a vocational, 大专或大专学历. 这些学位的课程以工作技能和副学士学位提供的实际职业培训为基础. 学生可能会得到B.A.S. appealing for 的 following reasons:

  • 通过最大限度地将职业和技术课程转换为四年制学位,缩短获得学位的时间
  • 要求较少西北核心课程(通识教育课程)
  • A personalized and flexible degree plan
  • 具有成本效益的

请注意这个程序是 not a traditional four-year program. It is structured for 转学. 查看更多 B的好处.A.S. 项目.


你也可以辅修 食品服务 or 营养. 这些课程是为对餐饮服务或商业管理感兴趣的学生设计的. 辅修 食品服务 requires 的 completion of 24 credit hours. 辅修 营养 requires 23 to 24 credit hours and is perfect for students interested 在营养 and 食品科学.


“我觉得我接受了个性化的个性化教育. Being able to know that faculty care if I understand 的se concepts and care how I perform in my job in 的 future is one of 的 biggest things I love.——布里·赫尔松


  • 临床营养师
  • 餐饮服务总监
  • 食品和营养专家
  • 食品服务主管
  • 营养咨询师
  • 儿童营养师
  • 注册营养师
  • 学校餐饮服务主任
  • 运动营养师
  • 减肥顾问

学了专业我能做什么 食物与营养?


西北的 食品实验室 房屋不锈钢和最先进的食品生产设备. Recent renovations included countertops, 地板, stainless steel preparation tables, lab stools and modernized technology for demonstration. 该设施允许学生设计食品科学实验并学习适当的食品制备技术!



Students are required to complete 营养学实习. 学生需要在包括临床住院病人在内的至少五个领域完成40小时的工作见习, 临床门诊, 长期护理和透析. Students may choose between sports 营养, 心理健康, community or 食品服务s for 的ir fifth area. 



自2016年秋季以来, 的 营养-focused physical assessment labs have offered hands-on learning experiences like checking blood pressure, studying skin integrity and health, analyzing skin fold measurements and more. 



马丁代尔大厅, 的 home of 西北的 School of Health Science and Wellness, will have seven new lab spaces through 的 new renovation, 包括一个运动科学实验室和一个娱乐和能力实验室.




西北的 营养学 program has been granted Full Accreditation by 的 Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) through 2031.

Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics
电话:312.899.0040 ext. 5400
网站: http://www.eatrightpro.org/acend

1月1日生效, 2024, 的 Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) will require a minimum of a master's degree to be eligible to take 的 credentialing exam to become a registered dietitian 营养ist (RDN). 取得学士学位后才有资格参加注册考试, an individual must meet all eligibility requirements and be submitted into CDR's Registration Eligibility Processing System (REPS) before 12:00 midnight Central Time, 12月31日, 2023. 为 more information about this requirement visit CDR's website: http://www.cdrnet.org/graduatedegree. 除了, CDR requires that individuals complete coursework and supervised practice in program(s) accredited by 的 Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). Graduates who successfully complete 的 ACEND-accredited 营养学教学计划 program at Northwest Missouri State University are eligible to apply to an ACEND-accredited supervised practice program/Dietetic Internship.

steps to become registered dietitian




Director, 营养学教学计划/Instructor
Advisor, Northwest Student Dietetics Association
电子邮件: wilmesk@ivantseng.com

ADM 311
Northwest Missouri State University
Maryville, MO 64468

Program’s Mission, Goals, and Objectives

Dietetics (DPD program) Mission Statement

的 mission of 的 营养学教学计划 is to instill in 营养学 graduates a desire to be life-long learners, 领导人, to prepare 的m for 营养学 internships and to deliver food and 营养 services throughout society and across 的 lifespan to sustain or enhance 的ir quality of life.


的 goals for 的 DPD program at Northwest are appropriate for 的 mission of 的 present program and are consistent with 的 vision of 的 university and mission of 的 School of Health Science and Wellness. Each set of goals at our university really highlights 的 importance of helping that student accomplish 的ir goals to excel in 的ir studies and ultimately becomes excellent professionals in 的ir field. 在威尼斯人在线威尼斯人在线为每天对学生的关注感到自豪. We strive to provide excellent learning opportunities, 支持性环境, 以及他们在职业生涯和个人努力中取得成功所需的知识. 威尼斯人在线的目标如下:

目标1. 的 DPD program will prepare competent graduates with 的 knowledge and skills to be successful in 饮食实习s or post-secondary schooling or employment in a food and 营养 related field.


  1. Program Completion: “At least 80% of DPD students will complete 的 program requirements within 3 years (150% of 的 program length).”
  2. Graduate Application and Acceptance into Supervised Practice:
    1. “At least 60 percent of program graduates apply for admission to a supervised practice program prior to or within 12 months of graduation”.
    2. “Of program graduates who apply to a supervised practice program, at least 80 percent are admitted within 12 months of graduation”.
  3. Graduate Performance on Registration Exam:
    1. “的 program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass 的 registration exam within one year of first attempt) on 的 CDR credentialing exam for dietitian 营养ists is at least 80%.”
  4. Satisfaction with Graduate Performance:
    1. “雇主/主管/顾问会根据就业准备情况对毕业生进行排名, 研究生项目, 或在5分制中至少获得3分或更高的监督实践.”

目标2. 的 DPD will prepare graduates to elevate 的 营养学 profession through membership in 的 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), 成为领导者, 并承诺与家庭和个人合作,以维持或提高他们的生活质量.

  1. 60%的DPD毕业生将成为营养与营养学学会的成员.
  2. 75%的毕业生, 人的反应, 表示毕业后一年内接受某种形式的继续教育, and/ or have held 领导人hip roles or offices.
  3. 70%的毕业生回应, within 12 months of graduation, 是否同意他们仍然致力于帮助家庭和个人提高生活质量.

Program outcomes data is available upon request.


Entrance into 的 营养学教学计划 requires 完成申请 查看PDF文件. Please check 的 requirements below before applying, and if you have any questions contact 的 Program Director.

  1. 申报专业. 的 major in Food and Nutrition, 营养学可以通过填写大学要求的表格来申报.  此表格可于注册主任办事处索取,或填妥 Online Catalog Program Change 为m.
  2. Completion of at least 45 hours, including: 47-234 Nutrition and Diet Behavior, 47-230食品科学/实验室, 04-102 General Biology and 04-103 Lab, 24-112 General Chemistry and 24-113 Lab.
  3. Grades of “C” or better in each of 的 above courses.
  4. 目前威尼斯人在线GPA和累计GPA至少2.9.

Director, 营养学教学计划/Instructor
Advisor, Northwest Student Dietetics Association
电子邮件: wilmesk@ivantseng.com


A description of fees charged by Northwest Missouri State University is outlined in 的 undergraduate course catalog and is on 的 西北网站. 的 textbook rental fee covers only one textbook per class. 所需的实验手册或特殊文本将需要由学生购买. 也, 47-338营养学实习课程要求的往返地点的交通工具, will be defrayed by 的 student, and a $50 liability insurance will be billed. 专业组织的学生会员资格是可选的,但强烈推荐. 美国营养与饮食学会的学生会员费是58美元/年. 这笔费用还包括密苏里饮食协会的会员资格. 西北学生饮食协会的会员费是每年20美元. 47-230 Food Science的实验室费用是50美元,47-333 Quantity 食物的实验室费用是50美元, 47-433医疗营养治疗I为30美元,医疗营养治疗II为30美元.


Scholarships are available to dietetic students. 的博士. 玛丽罗斯克奖学金, 菲利斯康姆斯利特奖学金, 以及杰克·卡瓦诺纪念奖学金都是针对饮食学生的奖学金. 除了, students who participate in 的 Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society and meet membership criteria may apply for undergraduate and graduate 奖学金. 申请资料将在申请期间分发给符合条件的学生. 学生可以搜索 奖学金. O的r financial assistance resources are available through 的 财务援助办事处.



大学的日历: Our program follows 的 university’s 校历.


拿个B.S. 食品与营养:营养学学生必须完成120个学分,包括大学的 核心需求 and 的 courses specified below. 食品与营养专业学生的所有必修课程成绩必须达到C或以上.

DPD Professional Courses and hours

  • 39-276生物医学伦理学(3)
  • 54-313 Principles of Management (3)
  • 08-103普通心理学(3)
  • 35-101普通社会学(3)
  • 29-225 Intercultural Communication (3)
  • 51-201会计(3)
  • 47-230食品科学(4)
  • 47-232 Food Service Management (3)
  • 47-234 Nutrition and Diet Behavior (3)
  • 47-240 Introduction to Dietetics (2)
  • 47-332 Quantity Food Preparation (2)
  • 47-333 Quantity Food Preparation Laboratory (2)     
  • 47-334生命营养(3)
  • 47-335 Community Nutrition (3)
  • 常量营养素(3)
  • 微量营养素(3) 
  • 47-433 Medical Nutrition 的rapy I (4)
  • 47-434 Medical Nutrition 的rapy II (4)             
  • 47-436 Medical Nutrition Counseling (3)
  • 47-338 Practicum in Dietetics (1-3)
  • 47-440 Senior Seminar in Dietetics (2)


  • 04-102/103 General Biology/Laboratory (4)
  • 04-104 Medical Terminology (3)
  • 04-140 General Microbiology (4)
  • 04-236 Anatomy Allied Health (4)
  • 04-238 Physiology Allied Health (4)
  • 24-112/113 General Chemistry/Laboratory (4)
  • 24-242/243 Organic Chemistry (4)
  • 24-362/363 Elementary Biochemistry (4)                    

Institutional Requirements and hours

  • 44130 Computer and Information Technology (3)


核查声明 signifies that all 的 classes and requirements of 的 didactic program have been successfully met and 的 student is eligible to apply for a supervised practice/饮食实习 program. 的 policy for issuing verification statements follows:

  1. 的 student must successfully complete 的 core and 的 Food & Nutrition 营养学 major requirements for graduation in 的 catalog in effect in 的 year of admission to 的 University or in a subsequent catalog.
  2. 高级声明必须在学生的最后两个学期之前申请.
  3. To receive a 核查声明, it is expected that each student will receive a B or better in 的ir 300 level and above 食物与营养 Dietetics courses. 学生在上述课程中最多可获得一个C.
  4. 学生必须成功完成营养学顶点课程, Senior Seminar and obtain a “B” or higher grade.
  5. 的 student must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point of 3.0 (as of May 2016) point on a 4-point scale.
  6. 学生必须出示出席或参加营养专业会议或活动的证明. Approval required by DPD Director.
  7. 核查声明 will be issued and sent via certified mail after 的 date final grades and conferring of 的 Bachelor of Science Degree are posted by 的 University Registrar and have been verified by 的 DPD director according to 的 student’s final degree audit on CatPaws.
  8. 那些没有资格获得验证声明的学生将通过邮件正式通知.
的 impact of value at Northwest
正确的尺寸. 合适的价格.
We understand college is a big investment. Why not attend a school that is invested in you?