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Networking and Social Media

Everyone has a network; it’s just a matter of thinking broadly and creatively about who is in it. 社交媒体开辟了无数与任何人建立虚拟网络的新途径.

Five Steps to Successful Networking

Step 1. 要明白,建立人际关系网实际上只是一个与人见面和交谈的过程. It's not a sales call and it's not a job interview.

Step 2. Be directive, but not forceful. Since you are typically the one who generated this interaction, you need to be ready to help steer the conversation. Have some questions in mind beforehand about the person's career path, their organization, and advice they may have for you. Let the dialog flow from there.

Step 3. Be appreciative. 你应该尊重与你交往的人的时间和努力. That means be brief if you call without scheduling a meeting, 如果你确实有一个预定的会议,一定要准时,并且时刻注意听讲.

Step 4. Follow up. You should always send a follow-up after meeting someone. 这可以是一封电子邮件,一封邮寄的信件,甚至是LinkedIn上的一个连接请求. 如果会面是在正式场合进行的,那么接下来的谈话应该是一封“感谢”信的语气.

Step 5. Maintain the relationship. The follow up doesn't stop with an email or LinkedIn connection. 在接下来的几个月或几年里,寻找机会偶尔重新联系,但要持续下去.

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Networking at Events

Look for ways to meet and mingle with working professionals. 职业服务中心在秋季和春季学期提供多种职业活动,以及一系列校外活动. Check the Career Services events schedule for details and additional information.

Students should also consider other options for networking, which can include professional groups or association meetings, 商会团体和更广泛的行业或面向地域的网络活动. 有关本地网络活动和组织的示例,请参阅下面的链接

Connecting with Alums

威尼斯人在线的校友联系是建立人际关系网的最佳途径之一. 熊猫家族的成员对威尼斯人在线很忠诚,经常很乐意帮助学生建立人际关系和进行信息面试.

有很多选择来定位和联系威尼斯人在线的毕业生. 除了在LinkedIn和Facebook等社交媒体上的威尼斯人在线校友群, you can attend alumni chapter meetings in a variety of locations.

Social Networking

Social Media has become a part of our daily lives, but these outlets can benefit your job search in several areas, including information on trends and news, 作为找工作和实习的地方,扩大你的网络. There is a wide array of social media sites that you can utilize. We recommend you consider the following:

还有很多其他的工具和网站可以用来发展你的个人品牌,并将其纳入你的求职策略中, 包括在线作品集和参与分享网络(Slideshare).com, SoundCloud, etc.).  Like most career-related activities, 你应该把这些作为强调你个人技能和价值观的大战略的一部分.  探索机会,决定什么途径最适合你的目标.

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How to Use

LinkedIn.Com提供了与你的专业人脉保持联系的机会.  However, it does much more than that, 该网站的其他方面可以为你的职业探索或求职活动提供惊人的价值.  Here is how we recommend that you use LinkedIn.

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