a - z指数

Dr. Ajay Bandi






加入西北航空 2014




  • Ph.D. Computer Science; Mississippi State University.
  • M.S. Computer Science; Mississippi State University.
  • M.S. Applied Computer Science; 威尼斯人在线.
  • B.E. 电子产品 and 沟通 Engineering; Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, 安娜大学, 钦奈, 印度.



  • 44517大数据
  • 44542面向对象编程(JAVA重点)
  • 数据库系统高级主题
  • 44561软件工程
  • 44562软件工程2
  • 44599生成人工智能
  • 44613数据可视化
  • 商业和技术项目管理
  • 44642应用设计:模式和框架
  • 44643移动计算- ios (Swift)
  • c#中的应用程序开发.网
  • 44664用户体验设计
  • 计算机科学研究生指导项目1
  • 计算机科学研究生指导项目II
  • 44699 CS IT专业毕业生实习


  • 44613数据可视化
  • 44688数据分析顶点项目


Generative AI, Cybersecurity, Secure Software Systems, Spatial Computing



  • A. Bandi, P. V. S.R. Adapa和Y. E. V. P. K. Kuchi族,  生成式人工智能的力量:需求回顾, 模型, 输入输出格式, 评价指标, 和挑战,”>未来的互联网,卷. 15, no. 8, pp. 260年7月. 2023. [pdf]
  • Ajay BandiInstruction Delivery Modes and Learning Experiences in COVID-19 Pandemic, ”高校计算机科学学报,37 (2),ACM. 10月. 2021.
  • Ajay Bandi and Julio Ariel Hurtado "Big Data Streaming Architecture for Edge Computing Using Kafka and Rockset," In 20年会议录21 5th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and 沟通 (ICCMC). 2021年4月.
  • Ajay Bandi and Julio Ariel Hurtado “Edge Computing as an Architectural Solution: An Umbrella Review,” In Proceedings of 26th (Virtual) annual International Conference on Advanced Computing and 沟通s. 施普林格. 12月. 2020. [pdf]
  • Ajay Bandi “Data Streaming Architecture for Visualizing Cryptocurrency Temporal Data, ”In 会议记录3rd International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT (ICCBI). 施普林格. 12月. 2020. [pdf]
  • 阿卜杜拉齐兹·费拉和 Ajay Bandi “Microservice-based Architectures: An Evolutionary Software Development Model,” In Proceedings of The 33rd International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering. 美国:ISCA, 10月. 2020. [pdf]
  • Ajay Bandi and Aziz Fellah “Cognitive Informatics in Emergency Disaster Management Systems,” In Proceedings of 29th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering. 美国:ISCA, 10月. 2020. [pdf]
  • 作为礼尚往来砍伐量, Ajay Bandi, and Mahmoud Yousef, “Moving Towards Program Comprehension in Software Development: A Case Study” in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and 沟通 (ICCMC 2020), 2月. 2020, pp. 660-665. [pdf]
  • 阿齐兹·费拉,还有 Ajay Bandi, “Learning Language Equations and Regular Languages using Alternating Finite Automata” J高校计算机科学学报,35(2) 10月. 2019, pp. 19-28. [pdf]
  • 阿齐兹·费拉,还有 Ajay Bandi, “Automata-Based Timed Event Program Comprehension for Real-Time Systems,” in Proceedings of FASSI 5th International Conference on Fundamentals and Advances in Software Systems Integration法国尼斯: IARIA10月. 2019, pp. 21-28. [pdf]
  • 阿齐兹·费拉,还有 Ajay Bandi, “On Architectural 12月ay Prediction in Real-Time Software Systems,” in Proceedings of ISCA 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering,圣地亚哥,加州,美国:ISCA, 10月. 2019, pp. 98-108. [pdf]
  • Ajay Bandi, and Aziz Fellah, “Socio-Analyzer: A Sentiment Analysis Using Social Media Data,” in Proceedings of ISCA 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering,圣地亚哥,加州,美国:ISCA, 10月. 2019, pp. 61-67. [pdf]
  • Ajay Bandi, 作为礼尚往来砍伐量,和 哈瑞Bondalapati “Embedding security concepts in introductory programming courses,” J高校计算机科学杂志, 34(4)4月. 2019, pp. 78-89[pdf]
  • Ajay Bandi, 作为礼尚往来砍伐量, 哈瑞Bondalapati, 马克·科森, “Mobile Usability Testing: Gathering Evidence for Designing User Interfaces for Emergency Disaster Management Systems,” in Proceedings of ISCA 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering,新奥尔良,路易斯安那州,美国:ISCA, 10月. 2018. [pdf]
  • 作为礼尚往来砍伐量,和 Ajay Bandi, “The essence of recursion: Reduction, delegation, and visualization,” 高校计算机科学学报33(5)4月. 2018, pp. 115-123. [pdf]
  • 欢迎您曾, Ajay Bandi 和阿卜杜拉齐兹·费拉, “Designing a brain-computer interface using EMOTIV headset and programming languages,” in Proceedings of the Second International Conference Methodologies and 沟通 (ICCMC 2018). IEEE. 2月. 2018.[pdf]
  • Ajay Bandi 和阿卜杜拉齐兹·费拉, “Crafting a data visualization course for the tech industry". 高校计算机科学学报, 33(2)、12月. 2017, pp. 46-56. [pdf]
  • Ajay Bandi, 作为礼尚往来砍伐量, "Design issues for converting websites to mobile sites and apps: A case study,"in Proceedings of International Conference on Computing Methodologies and 沟通 (ICCMC 2017). 印度:IEEE, 7月. 2017. [pdf]  
  • Ajay Bandi "Developers perspective on architectural violations: A survey," in Proceedings of ISCA 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering. 美国科罗拉多州丹佛市:ISCA, 2009年9月. 2016. [pdf]
  • Ajay Bandi 马克·科森, "Designing an emergency management system using software design patterns," in 会议记录3rd 国际电工会议, 电子产品, 工程的趋势, 沟通, 优化与科学(EEECOS). 印度ISCA, 2016年6月,pp. 599-603. [pdf]
  • Ajay Bandi 爱德华B. 艾伦和Byron J. Williams,“评估代码衰减:数据驱动的方法”,载于 Proceedings of ISCA 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering. 美国加州圣地亚哥:ISCA, 10月11日. 2015, pp. 95-102. [pdf] 
  • Ajay Bandi, Assessing Code 12月ay by Detecting Software Architecture Violations,博士论文,密西西比州立大学,12月. 2014. [pdf]
  • Ajay Bandi拜伦·J. 威廉姆斯和爱德华. 艾伦, “Empirical evidence of code decay: A systematic mapping study,” in 20年会议录th 逆向工程工作会议. Koblenz,德国:IEEE, 10月. 2013, pp. 95-102. [pdf] [录取率:38%]
  • Ajay Bandi and Phil Heeler “Usability testing: A software engineering perspective,” in 20年会议录13 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (ICHCI). 钦奈,印度:IEEE, 2008年8月. 2013, pp. 1-8. [pdf]
  • Ajay Bandi, 爱德华B. 艾伦, 和Tomasz Haupt, “A survey of self-healing of software faults: Recent advances and research challenges,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing Methodologies. 海得拉巴,印度:爱思唯尔,12月. 2011, pp. 7–13.[pdf]


  • Upsilon Pi Epsilon ACM Student Chapter Scholarship Award for year 2010.
  • 2010年度UPE奖学金.
  • ieee -计算机协会. 2010年度默文奖学金.
  • 获2010、2012年度UPE/IEEE-CS奖学金.
  • 莱昂F. Miller Graduate Student Scholarship Award at 威尼斯人在线 in 2008 


  • 赞助, student chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon (international honorary society for students in the Computing and Information disciplines)
  • 共同赞助,ACM -研究生分会
  • 赞助,STEM-Scholars


  • Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon, International honors society for the computing disciplines.
  • President of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) student chapter at Mississippi State University  (2009-2011)
  • Chair for the IEEE-Computer Society student chapter at Mississippi State University (2011-2014)