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Monica 索恩伯格 works as a ranch hand in 阿拉斯加 while promoting agriculture and advocating for increasing food security within the state. (图片来源:Emmie Sperandeo/Steady Rein Productions)

Monica 索恩伯格 works as a ranch hand in 阿拉斯加 while promoting agriculture and advocating for increasing food security within the state. (图片来源:Emmie Sperandeo/Steady Rein Productions)

1月. 10, 2022

Driving agriculture: Monica 索恩伯格 is advocating for growing agriculture in 阿拉斯加

Monica 索恩伯格 ’20 had completed her bachelor’s degree in agricultural science at Northwest and was looking forward to launching her career in the field. But few businesses were hiring during the summer of 2020 as the world navigated the COVID-19 pandemic. 索恩伯格 had a part-time job at a hardware store and was growing anxious with her search for full-time work.

This story appears in the winter 2021 edition of the Northwest 校友 Magazine. To view the print version of the magazine in its entirety, 点击这里.

Then, she spotted an opening for a ranch hand at an 阿拉斯加n cattle ranch. Intrigued, she applied without considering what such a move might mean for her. During a subsequent phone call with the hiring supervisor, 斯科特Mugrage, she learned about his involvement with agriculture in 阿拉斯加, both as an advocate and president of the 阿拉斯加 Farm Bureau.

“He told me about how agriculture has so much potential to expand and develop,索恩伯格说. “我只是被它吸引了, 当他打电话给我,给我这份工作的时候, 我说, “哦,拍, 我得告诉我父母我要搬去阿拉斯加.”

惠灵顿人, 密苏里州, 距离堪萨斯城东部约35分钟车程, 索恩伯格 grew up baling hay and driving cattle on her grandfather’s century farm.

惠灵顿人, 密苏里州, 距离堪萨斯城东部约35分钟车程, 索恩伯格 grew up baling hay and driving cattle on her grandfather’s century farm.

一年半之后, 索恩伯格 says she has no regrets about her decision and is having the time of life as she works the ranch, promotes 阿拉斯加n agriculture and advocates for increasing food security within the state.

“This has been the most challenging and beneficial time in my life,” she said. “我长大了很多. I’ve learned so much about agriculture and the inner workings of it.”

惠灵顿人, 密苏里州, 距离堪萨斯城东部约35分钟车程, 索恩伯格 grew up baling hay and driving cattle on her grandfather’s century farm. 

“I just saw my grandpa's passion for agriculture and it just fueled me,” she said. “我喜欢户外活动. I love living off the land, and I chose it as a career because I love it. 我可能不适合从事农业生产, but I have a voice and I love being able to advocate for it and just tell people the ins and outs of agriculture.”

索恩伯格 says she decided to pursue her college degree at Northwest because of the University’s outstanding agriculture program, and she stayed for its affordable tuition and quality faculty who care about seeing students succeed.

“That’s something that I think a lot of Northwest students take for granted,” she said. “能够在走廊上看到你的教授, and they recognize you and actually care for you – that’s awesome.”

索恩伯格 also was active with the Sigma Alpha ag sorority and found value in the profession-based experiences Northwest’s School of Agricultural Sciences offers.

“It’s one thing to watch my uncle and my grandpa do it, but to actually do it myself and understand why – the why is a big thing,索恩伯格说, adding that her Northwest education gives her credibility to inject knowledge into her discussions with ag professionals in 阿拉斯加.

索恩伯格 has experienced camping under starry night skies and bitter cold days while driving cattle across 阿拉斯加.

索恩伯格 has experienced camping under starry night skies and bitter cold days while driving cattle across 阿拉斯加.

当她到达三角洲枢纽时, 阿拉斯加, 2020年8月, 索恩伯格 eagerly learned what it takes to operate Mugrage Hay and Cattle. She happily assists with morning chores and other projects on the ranch. She has experienced camping under starry 阿拉斯加n night skies and bitter cold days when temperatures dropped to -35 degrees Fahrenheit – causing a bout of frostbite on her feet and equipment breakdowns.

Her work also includes developing the ranch’s marketing strategy and social media presence in conjunction with planning and promoting The Great 阿拉斯加n Cattle Drive, an agritourism event designed to advocate for sustainable agriculture in 阿拉斯加. 索恩伯格, working as its chief operations officer along with Mugrage’s team, 我花了去年的时间策划开业仪式, which invites adventurous souls to join them next summer as they drive cattle through the 阿拉斯加n wilderness.

Participants will be actively involved in tending a cattle herd and everything between – from saddling horses to collecting firewood for campfires.

“A lot of people don’t realize there’s more to 阿拉斯加 than polar bears and ice,索恩伯格说. “威尼斯人在线有一个很大的养牛场, and we have proven time and time again that you can produce animals here. 这有点难, but there’s a lot of farmers willing to teach you how to make things work in 阿拉斯加.”

索恩伯格并没有止步于阿拉斯加边境. 在11月, she participated in the Women’s Communications Boot Camp, 由美国农场局联合会赞助, 在华盛顿, D.C. She also has begun a dialogue about agriculture needs with 阿拉斯加 Gov. 迈克-邓利维.

她赶着牛群穿过阿拉斯加, 索恩伯格不禁注意到这一点, affordable farmland that is going untouched and the potential to expand agriculture in 阿拉斯加.

“We have the ability to adapt to new technologies that maybe the lower 48 farmers wouldn’t necessarily be willing to adapt,索恩伯格说. “I really like just how much agriculture potential is up here, and they’re making it work. 它并不完美,但看起来很酷.”


Dr. 马克Hornickel

