a - z指数



Northwest wants to give campus technology users an on-campus experience that accommodates academic, professional 和 网络 entertainment activities such as the use of gaming consoles. Registration of gaming consoles is 不 required 和 ports do 不 usually need to be asked to be opened for typical entertainment or learning activities.  However, some restrictions may apply due to security concerns or other 网络 issues.

What do I need to know about bringing personal devices to campus?

  • 个人购买的台式机, 笔记本电脑, tablets 和 e-readers are allowed on both the 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 和 wireless 西北网络s.
  • Must have an operating system (OS) that is compatible with Northwest's 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 和 无线网络.
    • 推荐的操作系统:
      • 微软视窗系统
    • 其他在西北网络工作的人:
      • 苹果iOS
      • Linux
  • 必须准备好无线和/或有线.
  • Must have current antivirus 和 operating system updates or you will be in violation of 西北科技政策.
    • 保护您的个人身份和重要数据.
    • Safeguards the data 和 personal identities of other campus 网络 users.
    • Safeguards the stability of the campus 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 和 无线网络.
    • 保护校园网络资源.

通过使用西北 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 or wireless 网络 (even with a personal computer), 你同意遵守 西北科技政策.

  • 西北航空公司的航班允许携带个人智能手机 安全, 个人客人 无线网络.
    • 对于那些 西北网络账号 login 凭证, you are encouraged to use the secure wireless 网络 at all times.
  • You can easily set up your 西北电子邮件 to work successfully on your smartphone with the Outlook app.
  • 通过使用西北 安全, 个人客人 网络,你同意遵守 西北科技政策.
  • 游戏系统只允许在西北机场使用 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 网络.
    • Examples of gaming systems:  Xbox, PlayStation 和 Nintendo
  • 西北 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 网络 provides the best experience for both speed 和 connectivity.
  • You can get onto Northwest's 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 网络 with an Ethernet cable via an Ethernet port.
    • Ethernet ports are located in every residence hall room 和 faculty/staff office.
    • Ethernet ports are located in most academic 和 public buildings such as the Station, 学生会与B.D. 欧文斯图书馆.
    • Ethernet cables are 不 provided by Northwest for personal devices.
  • You are 不 required to register your gaming system to be able to successfully use Northwest's 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 网络, but some restrictions may apply if there are security issues.
  • Smart entertainment devices like TVs, Google TV, Apple TV, Roku, Alexa 和 Chromecast are allowed.
  • 为了获得最佳连接, it is recommended that you use these types of devices/services 在西北 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 网络.
  • 如果你需要无线连接,你可以使用 NWMSU_安全 or NWMSU_个人.
    • NWSMU_安全 使用你的 西北网络账号 凭证.
    • 你需要一个 个人密码 要成功连接到 NWMSU_个人.
  • 允许使用个人打印机 but 不 necessary at Northwest.
    • The vast majority of assignments 和 exams are submitted electronically 和 thus, are paperless.
  • University 网络ed printers are available most everywhere on campus such as the front desk of each residence hall 和 in public spaces like B.D. 欧文斯图书馆和车站.
      • Printing to a University 网络ed printer does 不 require payment at time of printing.  In short, there are no up-front costs associated with printing.
      • Users who print to a campus 网络ed printer are auto-billed by their login 凭证 for the size of their print job.
        • 黑白印刷是每页10美分.
        • You will typically see your specific printing charges appear on your University bill the next business day.
  • 允许使用个人打印机 只有 在西北 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 网络.
  • Wireless must be disabled 和 your printer should be connected directly via its printer cables or you will be in violation of 西北科技政策.
    • 你就违反了 西北科技政策 if you are using your personal printer on Northwest Wi-Fi.
  • 有线开关和集线器允许在 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 西北网络.
  • Routers that are 不 owned 和 operated by Northwest are  allowed to connect to either the 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 or wireless 西北网络s.
  • Webcams are allowed 在西北 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 和 无线网络.
  • Video conferencing messaging applications are allowed 在 campus 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 和 无线网络.
  • 西北技术服务中心(NTSC)可以 维护, repair or provide software or software licenses for personally purchased, non-University-provided computing equipment or other communication 和 entertainment devices.
  • The 西北技术服务中心 (NTSC) is responsible for 维护ing a stable wireless 和 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 网络 in all campus buildings (where warranted) 和 in all residence halls.
  • The NTSC is also responsible for the following in campus buildings where warranted 和 in all residence halls:
    • Ethernet ports that connect successfully to the Northwest 《威尼斯人在线》杂志 网络.
    • A working telephone l和 line connection (just the outlet in residence halls, 不 the service).
  • The NTSC will assist with helping you to successfully do the following with your personally-owned computing 和 communication devices if you have active 西北网络账号 登录凭证:
      • 连接西北Wi-Fi
      • 连接到西北有线网络
      • 打印到联网的打印机
      • 在智能手机上设置西北电子邮件

西北是 responsible or liable for the loss or damage to personally-owned devices brought to campus 和 does 不 provide insurance for such devices.  如果你对购买保险感兴趣, the NTSC has (as a courtesy) provided a list of known 和 legitimate vendors who have previously provided Northwest students with personal equipment protection.  请参阅有关这些供应商的更多信息* 在 西北笔记本电脑 网页.

*Northwest  is 不 affiliated with insurance vendors 和 does 不 endorse any insurance vendor or plan.







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